As many of you know upon Jack's arrival Tom and I decided that it would be best for me to stay at home with the boys. A few weeks before Jack was born I was able to stay at home with just Hayden. We developed a routine and the mundane became glorious!

(It's a blog mystery why only this paragraph's font decided to be different? Help me out on why can't I make it look like the other fonts?)

Hayden is actually trying to hide from me so that he can jump up "out of nowhere" and scare me. I just can't help but laugh when he's trying to hide from me by ducking behind me.

It's really cute how Hayden giggles in anticipation of jumping up and "scaring me."
Here he goes one more time!
1 comment:
Daggone! It reset my message....ANYWAY-Hayden is such a photogenic boy! He doesn't get it from our side of the family! :) Congrats to you both-if you ever need anything-don't hesitate to call!
Love ya
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