So it's been two weeks now home with Hayden and Jack. I'm learning a lot about what it means to be a stay-at-home mom. It's scary and exiting how much I can and will influence these little mens lives. Who knew that such a big responsibility would be equally if not a greater blessing.
Anyhow, here are a few pictures of the past two weeks.

Since Jack has to eat every 1 to 3 hours a lot of events are taylored around him. He's been pretty good at waking up to eat right before Hayden wakes up for breakfast, so far.

I typically find Hayden laying in his crib talking to himself first thing in the morning. He always hears my footstep before I even enter his room. It brings a big smile to my face to hear him yell, " MOM, MOM, MOM" in his cute little voice. Once I take him out of the crib he points to his mouth and says something that sounds like. "food, food, food." Here is a picture of him waiting at the table for breakfast. It's really refreshing to find him so excited to begin the day.

After breakfast Hayden and I do a quiet time, which usually involves the Veggy Tales. I try to squeeze in a shower while Hayden has some play alone time in his crib. Hayden is so good at occupying himself with just a few toys. His new favorites are some blocks that Sha Sha (AKA, Granma Janes) got him right before Jack was born. In the mean while Jack is either sleeping or looking around in his bassinet.

The day usually consist of , yes I have to say it, breast feeding, changing diapers, making meals, and cleaning, all the while keeping Hayden's hands busy in some sort of activity. I've noticed the more structure Hayden has at this stage the less trouble he gets into. Then before I know it it's lunch time. I love lunch time because things start winding down. Hayden goes down for a nap after lunch and if Jack is sleeping, which he usually is, I get some free time to read and nap.
Fast forward to after Tom gets home and dinner is over, Hayden gets a bath. This is Hayden and Daddy time.
While I get some mommy and Jack time.

Since I'm literally tied to Jack, whenever I'm not breast feeding Tom tries to sneak in some Daddy and Jack time.

Here is Hayden getting ready to go bed, but of course he has to give Jack a ton of kisses.
sweet boys!
It kind of looks like Jack might actually have some dark hair!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed
I love the picture of Jack three shots down and the picture of Jack with Tom. SO GOOD! :)
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